Fun Summer Date Ideas

Shiny girl story - Fun Summer Date Ideas.
This story provided for informational purposes only Shiny girl about how your best relationship for Fun Summer Date Ideas. Knowing about your summer date, and learning something about it. 5 Dorky (but Fun) Summer Date Ideas. Yes, read these and mini golf will seem so highbrow! The takeaway: Just do whatever makes the two of you happy. Knowing Staying Close, Geeky Convention-Goers, Bowling Partners, A Ghastly Pastime and Getting Dirty.

See detail about Summer Date Ideas story at here Shiny girl story - Fun Summer Date Ideas.

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1. Staying Close...With Guns? "We go to our cowboy action shooting club. We dress up in Western gear, shoot guns, and pretend to be in the Wild West. Seriously." - Rose Tepedino, Oakdale, NY

2. Geeky Convention-Goers : "My husband and I go to sci-fi conventions. He gets to see all the Star Wars toys he used to have, and I connect with other Buffy the Vampire Slayer lovers. It's our geeky bonding time!" - Melinda Rodriguez, Dallas

3. Bowling Partners : "My husband and I joined a bowling league. We bring our own shoes and balls, and we always wear matching shirts." - Jennifer Davis, Pasadena, MD

4. A Ghastly Pastime : "My husband and I go ghost hunting in old buildings and graveyards. We bring our electromagnetic field detector, which goes off if there's a ghost. It's very scary, but most people think we're ridiculous. Our teenage son is mortified by us!" - Stephanie Scheifley, Sinking Spring, PA

5. Getting Dirty...Literally! "We go mud bogging, a redneck pastime! We take our four-wheel-drive truck to a field and do donuts and wheelies-although the next day, I'm usually the one stuck hosing off the mud." - Peg Gould, Trenton, FL.
By redbook

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