Loving Quotes Inspirations

Shiny girl story - Loving Quotes Inspirations.
This story provided for informational purposes only Shiny girl. Love = Life, Fear = No Life. There really is no in between. Love begins by loving yourself first. Always listen to your inner voice; it is seldom wrong. Do your best each day, and never look back. The love from another person should complement us, not complete us.
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Loving quotes and inspirations

Love = Life, Fear = No Life. There really is no in between.
Love begins by loving yourself first.
Work should not be the # 1 priority in your life.
Always listen to your inner voice; it is seldom wrong.
Rather than fall in love, we should rise in love.
Your life and the lives of those you love are happening now. Your life today is not a dress rehearsal for another life you will have later… Live it with love now.
There is no measure to the quantity of love we are able to give to others and to ourselves

Giving love should not be calculated on a scoreboard.
Happiness must come from within.
Money is not what life is about.
Complaining only stimulates fear, insecurity, and an unhappy life.
Wake up each day with an attitude of gratitude.
As you fall asleep at night, allow your last thoughts to focus on what you are grateful for in your life.
Don't aim too low to achieve what you truly desire in your life.
Reach higher for your dreams… and, more importantly, reach higher for love.
Believe in yourself.

Do your best each day, and never look back.
There is nothing wrong with being single.
Being alone does not make you a loser.
When you least expect it, love will come knocking on your door.
Love requires practice each and every day.
Love is an action: treat it as such.
Dating is like riding a bicycle: you never really forget how to do it.
If you can count the number of true friends you have on one hand, you are truly blessed.

Have some fun each and every day.
Ego only gets you into trouble. Find a place and bury it forever.
We are all winners. There truly are no losers. The choice is up to you.
Stop overanalyzing, and just do it.
What goes around comes around.
Walking is good therapy: It exercises the body and clears the mind.
Take the time each day to pay a compliment to someone.
What's love got to do with it? … Everything!
Material things do not bring love and happiness into your life.
If you do not trust, you cannot love.

The love from another person should complement us, not complete us.
Recognize the importance and beauty of touch.
Reach to you inner child for help and guidance.
Real love is unconditional.
Love is the biggest gift you can give to anyone, especially to yourself.
Judge no other man or woman in this world; this is not our right.
Respect everyone for who they are, as individuals, and treat them equally with love and respect.
Fear blocks us from fully experiencing love.
There is a place within each of us that allows us to return to love.
Each day, take time out for yourself.

We will never know everything. That is the beauty of life, and, more importantly, that is the beauty of love.
Genuine love is given with no strings attached, with no expectations.
Live life with no expectations, that way you will never be disappointed.
Always retain your individuality in a relationship.
Communicate your feelings honestly to all.
There is nothing wrong with compromising.
Always believe in yourself.
In order to love, you must be able to forgive anyone, fully and unconditionally.

Loving yourself is not selfish.
Completion and happiness come from within, not from another person.
Patience brings great rewards.
Loving relationships require commitment.
Life is all about choices. Recognize that you have them always.
You cannot change anyone, unless that person wants to change himself or herself.
Learn to develop a sense of awareness.
We are all capable of greatness, as long as we believe in ourselves.
You will never create the loving relationship you desire, unless you are willing to put forth the work and effort.
Reveal your true self to everyone.

Always maintain your dreams, goals, values, and lifestyle choices without serious compromise.
Infidelity hurts many innocent bystanders.
The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.
Before you ask, "Are you the one for me?," remember to ask, "Are you NOT the one for me?"
Never be afraid to ask questions. The answers always provide better choices for one's life.
Sexual intimacy keeps a loving relationship strong and resilient.
A nicer term for gossip is an "exchange of information."
As my Mom says, "Keep it simple."
Life is not about wealth, success, or who earns the most money. Life is about love.
Learn not to sweat the small stuff.

A healthy, positive attitude will get you further ahead in life.
Resentment and jealously only cause unhappiness.
When negative thoughts come to mind, extinguish them by focusing on happy, positive, and loving experiences from your past.
Only through our daily thoughts, words, and actions towards all those we encounter, especially our children, can we all create a more loving world.
Don't take anything personally.
Misery loves company. Stay away from that company.
Always be happy for the success and good fortune of others.
Smiling takes less effort than frowning.
A truly successful individual is humble and does not feel the need to flaunt his or her success or wealth.
Success is not measured in dollars and cents.
Living "happily ever after" is not an impossible dream.
Desperation… only spells out disaster.
Learn to breathe properly… It is a great stress reliever.
Life is a smorgasbord of choices. It is just up to us to choose from among them.

Surround yourself with positive and loving people.
Fear and insecurity cause bad choices and decisions.
No relationship is worth giving up your individuality.
A healthy marriage is one very long conversation.
There is nothing wrong with saying NO.
Expressing your feelings in writing is good for the soul.
Your life is not about pleasing everyone else.
Live your life daily with a sense of gratitude.
Worrying is a total waste of one's energy.
Nothing ventured…nothing gained.
Age is all in the mind.
As we get older, we get better.

Always express how you feel honestly, especially when you are having a bad day.
Painful and negative feelings are okay, as long as you don't dwell on them.
When love ceases in a relationship, familiarity and comfort are what keep many couples together. Familiarity and comfort are the worst reasons to stay together.
When someone says, "I am having a bad day" Never say, "Don't feel bad." The message you are sending is that it is not proper to express negative feelings and emotions.
Recognize your strengths and weaknesses.
Never be afraid to ask for help.
Physical or mental abuse is unacceptable. Avoid them at all costs.
Change is a good thing. It prevents life from being boring.
Live your life fully each and every day with love.
If you follow your dreams, you will never be disappointed.
By Tara

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